Archive for the 'wisdom' Category

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Treasure Hunter’s Field Guide

Paul says that in Christ “are hid all of the treasures of wisdom and knowledge” (Col 2:3). He writes this out of his belief that the Jesus who died in our behalf on a Roman Cross is no less than (yet far more than) the Creator of the universe (Col 1:16). Seems to me that […]

What Comes to Mind?

Got this picture the other day after coming upon a couple of young bucks sparring. Have been trying to think of a reason to post it. It’s a bit small. But you should be able to  enlarge the picture by clicking on it. Remembered it again this morning while thinking about the way the New […]

What’s More Important?

In a business, what is more important, people or process, relationships or product? Or to clarify, what is more important in a commercial enterprise, people and relationships or process and product? My guess is that some of us would say that this is a no-brainer. But I’m also guessing that among those of us who […]

With or Without Proverbs

Woke up today feeling mentally tired and spiritually cool. Started reading from the 18th chapter of proverbs with a shaky prayer for God’s help. Suddenly found my imagination captured by statements like: A man who isolates himself seeks his own desire; He rages against all wise judgment (18:1). The name of the LORD is a […]

Recovering or Revising the Bible?

We’ve talked here in the past about the fact that, in our day, one of the most debated issues of the Bible is whether God has given men authority over women in the home and church. We’ve sensed that, even though we have been able to discuss many difficult subjects with candor and grace, this […]

People in Perspective

I’m guessing it’s one of the most helpful perspectives of the Bible. Admittedly, because all of the words of the Scriptures are God-breathed, it’s important not to emphasize one text at the expense of others. But it looks to me as though there is one statement that might help us take a second look at […]

Unwanted Opportunity

Followers of Christ often find it easy to affirm the importance of faith, hope, and love. We acknowledge that according to the Scriptures, without faith, it is impossible to please God (Heb 11:6). We hear that without love we are somewhere between noise and nothing (1Cor 13:1-2). We admit that without hope, we are just […]

End Times Angst

Within the last week news wires have reported that more than 12 US warships and at least one Israeli destroyer have passed through the Suez Canal into the Red Sea. The armada appears to be in response to an Iranian promise to accompany a pro-Palestinian relief flotilla to the embattled city of Gaza. At the […]

Talk Radio Tactics and Attitudes

I wish I could remember all of the conversations I’ve had over the past year that have left me with the distinct impression that, by mirroring the values and attitudes of Talk Radio or Talk Television, followers of Christ have unintentionally left him for someone else. As a rule I don’t think the labels “conservative” […]

Slippery Slopes and Safety Rails

I’ve been taking another look at the “slippery slope” argument that some of us use to defend our conservative values and beliefs. As I understand it, the point of “the slippery slope” is similar to the idea that “if you give some people an inch, they will take a mile.”  In both cases, being careless […]

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